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Hello, tankers!

Welcome to the GAME — our traditional quest in which any tanker may win containers, supplies, premium pass, tankoins, drones, a «Dream Tank» and even a smartphone from our partners Nokia.

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For those who are not familiar with our quests, The GAME is a collection of puzzles and riddles that you will need to solve during the 5 days of the quest. Unzip not working. Each day of the event starts at 09:00 UTC with a special video in which you can find the first clue. Next, you will have to solve our mind-breaking riddles in order to find the word of the day, which you will need to enter as the final result of the day after completing the real puzzle, consisting of parts of an image.

ATTENTION!!!Your result will not be accepted if you haven't solved the last puzzle.

DISCLAIMER:Some riddles cannot be translated into multiple languages, since the hints depend on a specific sequence of words. For this reason, there will only be two language versions of THE GAME — Russian and English. However, you can send your answer in Russian, English, German and Polish.

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This GAME will be in honour of the brightest events of the upcoming year. Keep this in mind as it is our first clue for you, and it will help you in all the riddles. Mindfulness and intelligence will be your main allies. Good luck!

This event will take place from January 29th till February 4th.


  • Start of registration — January 29th 09:00 UTC.
  • Start of the GAME — January 30th 09:00 UTC.
  • End of registration — February 2nd 20:59 UTC.
  • Start of the last GAME day — February 3rd 09:00 UTC.
  • End of accepting entries — February 4nd 20:59 UTC.
  • Announcing and rewarding winners — February 5th during the day.

In order to participate in this event, you need to sign up on the GAME website by entering your username and password from your Tanki Online account.

Important:Players who use Google, Facebook and other verification services to enter the game, will be able to participate in the event and log in on the website only after writing to help@tankionline.com to receive password for an account.
US cluster players can participate in this event only if a player creates an account in the EN cluster.

By completing each quest, you will receive game points. Your reward will depend on how many points you earn. Each participant can enter the answer only once per day.

The first participant who enters the correct answer gets 100 points, the second one gets 99 points, the third one 98 and so on till the 90th place. All others correct entries after that will receive 10 points each. In case a player enters the wrong answer, the player will be able to change the answer during the final (fifth) day to receive 5 points.

Players can see their personal results after entering all answers on February 4th.

0cean Of Games


  • The player who gets the highest number of GAME points will receive the special «Game 2020» paint, 500 of each supply*, 500 tankoins, 300 batteries, 50 containers, a week of Premium pass, a «Dream Tank»*** and a Nokia 3. 2 smartphone.

  • The player who places second according to GAME points will receive the special «Game 2020» paint, 400 of each supply*, 400 tankoins, 200 batteries, 40 containers, 5 days of Premium pass, and a drone of the player's choice**.

  • The player who places third according to GAME points will receive the special «Game 2020» paint, 300 of each supply*, 300 tankoins, 100 batteries, 30 containers, 3 days of Premium pass, and a drone of the player's choice**.

  • Players who place 4th-10th according to GAME points will receive the special «Game 2020» paint, 200 of each supply*, 200 tankoins, 100 batteries, 20 containers, 2 days of Premium pass**.

  • Players who place 11th-100th according to GAME points will receive the special «Game 2020» paint, 50 of each supply*, 50 tankoins and 5 containers.

  • Players who don't make it into the TOP-100 but earn a minimum of 30 GAME points will receive 20 of each supply.

  • Players who don't make it into the TOP-100 but earn a minimum of 25 GAME points will receive 10 of each supply.

There is no prize for players who fail to find all 5 words.

* — repair kit, double damage, double armour, speed boost, mine

** — fully upgraded

*** «Dream Tank» — fully upgraded turret, hull and module available at the player's rank

Ask your questions and discuss the process of the GAME in this topic.

Casino extreme review. Good luck, tankers!

Considering Life Insurance? Get Useful Information Here!

Considering Life Insurance? Get Useful Information Here!

Life, nonetheless, regularly has various plans. Exactly when you believe you're protected, the unfathomable can occur and leave your family between a rock and a hard place. This educational guide offers various thoughts and proposals that may assist with demystifying disaster protection arrangements. You will feel vastly improved subsequent to ensuring your family is dealt with.

On the off chance that you are thinking about buying disaster protection, you might need to investigate conceivable inclusion that is as of now offered by your manager. It's basic for bosses to offer essential life coverage plans at great rates for their representatives. You should ensure that the inclusion is adequate for your requirements and buy supplemental arrangements if extra inclusion is wanted.

Considering Life Insurance? Get Useful Information Here! On the off chance that you meet with a specialist for extra security or beside, any kind of protection and they tune in to your necessities and make suggestions on the spot, you might need to consider meeting with another person. A specialist ought to become acquainted with you and your necessities, do some exploration to locate the most ideal alternatives and afterward meet with you again to examine them and afterward, plan a game-plan.

Make certain to peruse the entirety of the data about the disaster protection plan that your organization offers. You may find that it won't be sufficient. You might need to put resources into an extra strategy to be certain that your family will have enough cash in case of your passing.

In the event that you are hoping to buy a life coverage strategy and you are a smoker, attempt to stop. This is on the grounds that most extra security organizations won't give protection to a smoker, as they are more in danger to getting cellular breakdown in the lungs and other smoking-related conditions. Organizations that will give protection to a smoker will for the most part charge higher premium rates. Considering Life Insurance? Get Useful Information Here!

https://rewards-slot-poker-museum-with-apps-ou.peatix.com. 21 card values. Prior to putting resources into an extra security strategy, become familiar with the upsides and downsides of every one of the four kinds. These are term disaster protection, entire life coverage, widespread extra security, and variable life coverage. To assist you with understanding the distinctions, you might need to employ money related proficiency. Not exclusively can a budgetary expert clarify each sort of disaster protection to you, yet the individual in question can propose which one best suits your necessities.

Here and there in extra security, more inclusion is really less expensive. As the measure of inclusion expands, the expense per thousand dollars of inclusion will diminish. For certain organizations, the numerical work out with the end goal that purchasing a greater approach really costs you less every month in charges. Continuously request value cites for different degrees of inclusion when looking for protection.

Lower the expense of life coverage by stopping smoking. Smoking is one of the greatest wellbeing hazard factors from a protection stance, yet some life back up plans will diminish your rates with only one year of being without smoke. Following a few years of non-smoking status, some insurance agencies will place people into the standard rate class, diminishing charges significantly.

When investigating getting disaster protection, there are two separate rate bunches that are called standard and liked. At the point when you are looking at costs don't blend these up and contrast a standard strategy and a favored one. They will cost totally different and just around 1/3 of the populace get a favored rate!

On the off chance that a relative of yours as of late kicked the bucket and named you as the recipient on his disaster protection strategy, yet the approach itself is missing, there are steps you can take to find the arrangement, regardless of whether you don't know which insurance agency gave it. Analyze the expired's dropped checks for any that were kept in touch with insurance agencies. Glance through any mail you can discover for protection bills or strategy status takes note. Check with previous bosses or associations that the expired had a place with which may have offered the approach. See assessment forms for costs or premium acquired concerning disaster protection. At last, check with the Medical Information Bureau, which has an information base that can educate you if the clinical records regarding the perished were mentioned by any insurance agencies since 1996.

While considering disaster protection consider the budgetary weight your family will be left with should you die. Figure the measure of cash they should be secure and to take care of the family obligation. It will require some investment to get back on their monetary feet, so picking a strategy with a bigger compensation out may be the most ideal decision.

Thoroughly consider how you need to buy disaster protection. There are a lot of alternatives accessible, so you will spare yourself time and dissatisfaction by choosing how you need to purchase your strategy. A portion of the decisions incorporate purchasing the protection directly from the organization, buying it through a protection specialist or experiencing a budgetary organizer.

Expertise your extra security strategy will cover your home in case of your passing. Your advantages will initially go to cover your extraordinary obligations and a home loan could undoubtedly inundate the likely advantage for your family. Check with your insurance agency to ensure your approach is adequate.

Considering Life Insurance? Get Useful Information Here! In the event that you have a property settlement concurrence with a previous mate, presenting a desire that the other accomplice pays all or part of your kids' costs or provision, calculate this your life coverage choices. Should your previous life partner bite the dust, except if it is plainly in the domain documentation, there is no necessity that the home will keep on paying those costs? All things considered, it might bode well to safeguard your ex life partner and show yourself as a recipient, to secure yourself and your youngsters.

As depicted above, life coverage pays off, regardless of whether you trust you may not quickly need it. Recall these tips when looking for a strategy, and you will settle on the correct choice.

All You Require To Know About The World Of Life Insurance

Considering Life Insurance? Get Useful Information Here! Is it true that you are purchasing disaster protection unexpectedly? You presumably won't have a clue where to begin. Its an obvious fact that buying extra security unexpectedly can be somewhat overpowering. The following are a few hints that can assist with making getting another extra security strategy a piece smoother.

Numerous individuals purchase term life coverage when they're more youthful on the grounds that it's modest. Others are convinced to purchase entire extra security, which, in contrast to term, has money esteem and can probably be seen as a venture. In case you're healthy, the term is commonly the best worth. Attempt to secure term protection for the longest conceivable time frame you can discover. At the point when it runs out, in case you're still healthy, continue searching for the term. More often than not, entire life will be more costly, however as you age, term life will likewise get very costly to cover the unavoidable medical problems that will manifest. Keep in mind: term life as long as it bodes well rates, at that point change to entire life.

Prior to buying an extra security strategy, make certain to investigate the nature of the organization you're getting it from. On the off chance that you buy a life coverage strategy from an inferior quality organization, they may not be around to pay out when it gets fundamental. More awful, there are numerous individuals out there attempting to trick you out of your cash by imitating a life coverage sales rep. Continuously investigate the standing of the organization and the sales rep before you sign anything.

Before getting disaster protection inclusion, you ought to improve shape. Extra security approaches will in general be expensive. In the event that you are not healthy, it tends to be extravagant. Before putting resources into an extra security strategy, you should put forth an attempt to be as solid as could be expected under the circumstances. Begin eating right, get slender, and do whatever else that is required. Soul (knh190, fengyz) Mac OS. This will spare you a ton by lessening the amount you should pay.

When searching for an extra security strategy, try to get long haul inclusion that will satisfy the entirety of your requirements. You would prefer not to be stuck paying cash on an approach that is all off-base for you. In the event that you are uncertain about which is best for you, ask your protection specialist.

In the event that you have never had extra security, it is enthusiastically suggested that you talk with a money related delegate preceding choosing a strategy. Despite the fact that you may feel that you can enough decide your wards' necessities in case of your demise, a money related delegate has unmistakably more experience and will commonly have the option to prompt you on different factors you have not considered. You may really require altogether more inclusion than you expected.

Purchase your disaster protection strategy from a dependable organization that is still prone to be around to pay your demise advantage should you die 10, 20, or 50 years from the time you buy it. Evade new insurance agencies that don't have a demonstrated history. You're a lot more secure going with one of the notable organizations that have been doing business for quite a long time.

When buying extra security, attempt to discover an organization that is offering you a free preliminary attempt. Perhaps you can locate a 30-day hazard free preliminary out there. Assuming this is the case, feel free to, take a gander at the strategy and check whether you comprehend it appropriately. In case you're happy with how the framework functions, you can all the more likely know whether you need to pick it or not.

You might be normally disposed to practice prior to taking off to a disaster protection clinical test, so you may appear to be more advantageous. Be that as it may, this will really cause your circulatory strain to rise, and may give a bogus perusing to the specialists.

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Entering a clinical test for your extra security strategy appropriately hydrated is a brilliant move. Legitimate hydration won't just make it significantly less complex to give a pee test, however the water in your framework will help control your pulse and your pulse. This will unquestionably support your odds.


When buying life coverage, recall that protection specialists make a lot higher commissions from entire life approaches than they accomplish for term arrangements. The expense of entire disaster protection is a lot more prominent, hence specialists are compelled to push you toward purchasing these arrangements. In the event that you realize that term life coverage is the best arrangement for you, stand firm and oppose high-pressure deals strategies – or purchase online to stay away from them.

In the event that you are purchasing a disaster protection strategy unexpectedly – guarantee that you settle on the best choice – by talking with a monetary expert. Such an individual can assist you in deciding the measure of inclusion that you need, just as, work with you to refresh your inclusion as your requirements develop or change.

To get a good deal on your life coverage strategy, comprehend the distinction between term protection and lasting extra security. Term protection should cover most monetary needs and obligations, and it may not be essential for you to buy a costly perpetual entire life strategy. Buy what you at present need, and afterward make changes if your necessities change.

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As you have seen, purchasing life coverage isn't as frightening as it might show up from the outset. Simply think about the entirety of the advantages it has and the entirety of the costs it can deal with, alongside the entirety of the cash it can spare you in the long run.

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